Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I have been sitting around for the past few days, trying to come up with some cool end of the year/beginning of the year post. Let's just say I've been less than successful.

So here I sit, at 7:45 in the AM, chilling with a steaming cup of coffee, some Harry Connick, Jr. and nothing but time to write. I apologize in advance but this is gonna jump around alot. Think of it more as a, "stream of consciousness" than an actual post.

Christmas, the eve and the day went over very well. I spent Christmas Eve with broseph's girlfriend's family. Yeah, I know it seems a little weird but at certain times of the year, there just factions of my family that I can't deal with. I was going to make the drive to the coast to celebrate with mom & pop, but they were both playing masses late at night and it would have been a royal pain in the ass for everyone.

Dinner and companionship with broseph's other family was good. I supped there last year and forgot how filling the food was. As a self-proclaimed fat kid, I have been know to do some damage at the dinner table. Last year as well as this year, I had one plate and was full until ten am the next morning. Broseph's mother in law can cook, and we're not talking about hige plates either. I get angry with myself cause I am always to full to even think about dessert but as I have the big, "D" (diabetes for the uninitiated folk) it's probably not such a bad thing.

Later on in the evening, I went to exchange gifts with my friends. Age old tradtion dictates we meet at, "W's" for drinks, the exchange and some early Christmas day merriment. I think it was the first Christmas there were no, "mentally scarring" presents. In our younger days, when we had little to no $ to spend on each other, we would try to find the most outrageous/sarcastic gifts. Most of the time you'd end up with something painful but useful. As we grew older and had better jobs with better paychecks, this tradition slowly died out. However, last year, I received a book about Dick...and I ain't talking about a dude named Richard. I however vowed to take the high road and not retaliate and to this day, feel good about my decision. Someone gets you a horrible gift and you hook them up, well the look on their face is present enough for me.

Let's just say I got hooked up this year from friends and family.

Christmas day was special for several reasons. The biggest for me and I'm sure for her as well, was my mother did not have to play any masses Christmas morning and was able to get to celebrate on time with everyone else. Since I have been alive, this has never happened. It was nice to see her relaxed from not having to drive all over hell and back just to get to where she needed to be.

Breakfast at my Aunt & Uncle's was as the hook. My uncle, UD for short, can cook his ASS off and as the dude needs to lose some weight, he can make the women cry in the kitchen. Besides taking care of everything that needs a responsible touch, I can see why my aunt married him. I had eggs/bacon/sausage/a homemade muffin that puts Dunkin or T-Ho's to shame/raspberry walnut french toast/ and fresh squeezed orange juice. The big "D" usually does not permit a feast of this magnatude, but that was a present to myself. The best part of the day was that we all ate, relaxed and got along...which made the fact I had to go to work @ 3pm a little easier to take.

Work sucked infected donkey rectum and I had a melange of shit to deal with that normally would have not been an issue but my job was in the x-mas spirit and provided gifts that kept on giving. It was not that big of a deal, just aggrevating. I left early and went back to my aunt & uncles for dessert and coffee and some ha-ha's. UD made a banana cake with Splenda that was recockulously good. Seriously, you would have never known that it was not the real deal.

All in all there were no complaints this year, Santa yet again screwed me on dropping off Ms. Jackass, but he did say he'd like me to try a little harder on that issue.

Last but certainly not least, my friend Boom got engaged to his beautiful & wonderful ladyfriend. Congratulations to the both of you!!!

I hope you all are well.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks bud.