Tuesday, August 21, 2018

keep on moving...

i’ve been out of commission for a while
almost six months to be exact
that shit is for the birds
oddly enough…the wheels always seem to fall of my bus
right as summer pulls into town
which is just a damn shame
nothing takes the rock and roll out of you or makes you feel your age
like having to ride the bench
and my ass has made dents in the bench this season
at times…
i’ve been on the verge losing it
my shit
all of it
can’t say i’ve never been suicidal
cause i have
maybe more than thrice
maybe not
only really been all in, on going, all in
that shit is wonderful and terrifying all at once
you’d think it would offer some perspective
a glimpse of who you are
maybe it does
but after 45 laps around the sun
the only thing i know is
i aint earned the cred to join
yeah even you, bourdain

i hope you all are well.


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