Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Man O’ man…

 am i back in the thick of it now! seems like the last time i did this, either I was a lot older or the 0500 hour was not a real time. new campus, new times, STILL TERRIBLE. The craziest thing i’ve noticed, how much Covid took a toll on the faculty both in number and physically. Then again, my eyes ain’t what they used to be either. Let’s call it a 50/50.

so with the school schedule i’m having to move certain semi-regular appointments around. My counselor, who shall heretofore be referred to as, “the clown” had an interesting take.


The clown: Well…so with you starting up with school again, what’s your schedule going to look like?

Me: not final yet but, Fridays i’m in the hospital all day.

Clown: (with no expression) Oh no, what’re we going to do.

Me: Well i have Wednesdays completely open.

Clown: I don’t work on Wednesday.

Me: (in my head) what kind of professional doesn’t work on Wednesday?……. Oh ok. I’ll get something figured out. 

Clown: Yeah. Just get it figured out and then call Irene.

Me: thinking (how about you tell me what you have available, and I can go from there) Not really sure who Irene is.

Clown: She’s the lady who calls you on the phone.

Me: Well that clears it right up.

this is the guy in charge of keeping me from taking a dirt nap…

Nothing but savages in this place, I tell you.

I hope you all are well.



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